A walk in a peat bog in eleven pictures

Yesterday, I went for a walk in a peat bog called the Armenveen, which roughly translates as "poor man's peat bog". It is where in the past poor people were allowed to get their peat for free.

Here's the path leading into the area:

It's a good idea not to stray too far, to avoid becoming a bog body:

The moss looks comfortable though (but it is soaking wet):

It was a sunny day, and all the usual suspects were there:

An unidentified damselfly

A black darter

A ruddy darter

Another unidentified damselfly

The little islands below are formed by a pioneer grass, the first grass to have a go at colonising fens. When the water level is low, birches also try, but when the water rises again, they die and leave rotted stumps. The water looks strange, almost like ice, because it is covered by a layer of pollen:

On dry land, mushrooms have started popping up:

And, of course, there is heather:

Just scratching the surface here, there is much more to see. I hope you enjoyed my walk 8-).

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