Hornet looking for food

On my walk yesterday, I saw this hornet (Vespa crabro), hoornaar in Dutch, looking for food.

Hornets drink the sap of oak trees, and use their strong jaws to keep a hole open and the sap flowing.

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO800, f5.6, 1/250s

From time to time, they look up to see if there are any threats around (also note the three little extra eyes on the top of its head):

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO800, f5.6, 1/250s

As it saw me, it became fully alert. These hornets are far less aggressive than other wasps, but they don't like people hanging around nests or food sources:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO800, f5.6, 1/250s

They also warn first by flying around your head, buzzing loudly. This one did, so I took a few steps back and all was well again.

Hornets also hunt other insects, but that is just to feed the little ones. They even fillet their prey, and it is funny to watch, as they do this hanging from their hind legs, as you can see in this older photo:

Olympus XZ-1, 112mm, ISO100, f6.3, 1/200s

Thanks for watching!

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