The Adventures of a Tiny Bee

I almost forgot I said I would post some more bee photos from The Netherlands for the upside-down people, but here they are.

This (unidentified) tiny bee came staggering out of a flower:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f8, 1/250s

It looked like it had found more pollen than it could possibly need, and it didn't fly or walk away, but fell deep into the grass, like it was drunk:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO800, f5.6, 1/50s

It then recovered somewhat, found its feet again, and walked up a leaf:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO400, f5.6, 1/160s

I spoke too soon; it fell down a bit further, leaving a trace of pollen:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO400, f8, 1/60s

As the sun hit it, it started cleaning itself, first its antennae ... :

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO400, f8, 1/125s

... and then its face:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO400, f8, 1/125s

It seemed to be OK when I left.

Thanks for watching!

Previous bee photos here.

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