Today I took a different direction and ride through a couple of remote villages.
I saw a new face of Dalmatia. Religion has a big role in common people lives.
On the stretch of 10 km, I find quite a few religious objects.
The first one was this little chapel.
Here's the inside view.
I didn't want to disrespect privacy and I'll show you just a top of the grave of a young hunter by the road. There was no explanation for what happened to him.
I climbed one kilometre of the steep trail and there was another.
Next village, next church. This one with the cemetery.
I was shocked by the size of the tombs.
Never saw something like this.
Sorry, but it looks more like a garden shed or garage to me.
Here is the monument dedicated to the people from the village, killed in the world war II. by a fascist regime.
The wildflower and nice tranquil sunset for all dead souls.
Let them all rest in peace.
I managed to survive yet another climb without a heart attack.
Have a great day and keep an active mind and body.
See you tomorrow, my friends.