The Random Factor - London Street Photography (PEOPLE)

The Random Factor

The unifying theme of these photographs is the random nature of discovering an opportunity to capture an image of someone doing something, perhaps unusual or out of place. They are all London Street photographs and represent the different activities people are involved in across the streets and boroughs of this cosmopolitan city.

People Animals & Toys

People do interesting things, usually for fun but just as often to make a living. Unorthodox approaches to life stand out as different from the norm. People often involve animals in doing interesting things and toys somehow get into the equation. I'm not sure where the toys fit in but if you keep your eyes peeled, there are always interesting people & animals doing things. The trick is to carry a camera and be actively looking for events to record.

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  • A homeless dog dutifully plays his role collecting much needed change on Columbia Road


  • An old man catching some sun with his coffee on the Regents Canal


  • A skater kicks a flip on London Fields


  • A barber looking quite similar to his customer cuts hair outside looking a bit like a before and after shot


  • The topsy-turvy world of a puddle where buildings people are ghosts on an upside down pavement. The Shard which looms large in many views of London here still under construction


  • Puncture kit is a busker with a quirk. His bike breaks down into a drumkit meaning he can in theory busk anywhere. His business card says he does parties. In a dead end side street off the busy Shopping of Oxford Street he attracts quite a crowd. The acoustics are great here.


  • Pigeons break formation in Hackney town square after being spooked as a man takes a call oblivious to the impending busy flight path


  • A young man is caught mid air as he throws some street dance moves on Upper Street as part of a promotional campaign for something you can buy or rent


  • A still life street entertainer dressed in silver as a kind of Tin Man, performs the popular impossible seated position with the help of a cleverly designed prop which is actually a seat with an L-shaped support running down the inside of his trouser leg.. sorry I spoiled it !

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  • @anonymous 1 and @anonymous 2 stand outside the Scientology centre with placards on Tottenham Court road as part of a demonstration


  • Beatboxers box it up at Boxpark Shorditch ( a shopping centre made of containers) as part of a promotion for hipster affiliation limited - Nike


  • Two new hopefuls with on trend taxidermy (stuffed animals) working a newly opened cafe in Dalston with a smile and an aeropress on their coffee menu


  • Kid on Broadway market with a Kermit the frog, (insert head here) t-shirt


  • Laa Laa hides quietly behind the fence in case that yappy little dog comes over for a sniff and a potentially lethal chew


  • Four ferrets go for a ride in the pram on Highbury Fields. I don't think they've seen snow before and they don't seem to want to get any closer to it's cold charm
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