1300 years old tree ...........!? Tree Tuesday by @patelincho

Have you ever seen a 1300 years old tree ? Me and my mom went on 1day vacantion in Bulgaria . This is one of the best places we visit !

Zlatolist is a small village nestled in the Sandansko-Petrich valley, 32 km from Sandanski. To reach the village, you must  pass through the village of Katuntsi. The path to Goldlist is not recommended for low-end cars, as there are no asphalt in some places.

In the 18th-19th century, the iron industry was developed in the village of Zlatolist, ores and untreated iron were processed. In 1891, Georgi Stresov (a teacher in Bitola and a law graduate in Geneva with a dissertation "Intership and the Balkans") wrote about the village: "Dry Sushitsa, a village 1 hour away from Melnik.

Themost popularplace init is the sanctuary  of Reverend Stoina. Reverend Stoina lived in a cellar room on the second floor of the church where the female part was. Today the room is preserved in the way the Prophetess left her. Inside is slippers. Every visitor leaves something to himself for health. The ceiling of her room is decorated with photographs. There is a belief that the one whose picture is placed there will enjoy enviable health. A book in the room has a book in which each visitor writes his wishes.

The sanctuary also has a natural landmark - a huge branch planer with a sign according to which the tree is 1290. It is of the genus Oriental platanus (Platanus orientalis) and is about 28-30 m in height with a circumference of the 6m log and repeatedly participates in The Tree of the Year.

If you follow rituals, you have to hug the tree for a few minutes to purify, then swing and swing on the branches to achieve soul and physical harmony.

I hope you  like the photos and the story!


                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


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