Entering Antwerpen by Train... (Central Station part I of VI)

As some of you enjoyed my first series of pictures from Antwerpen (the Tunnel adventures), I decided to take you with me on a new adventure. This time it will be the Central Station in Antwerpen. According to Newsweek, Antwerp Central is the 4th most beautiful train station in the world, and according to Mashable it's even the most beautiful one... I hope I succeed to convince you of that fact with my pictures ๐Ÿ˜„

So, letโ€™s start with the first picture... when arriving in Antwerp by train you will see this...


As you can see, the architecture is a mix of modern and classic. The modern part dates from 2007 and consists of underground platforms needed for high-speed trains. The classic part, the iron and glass train hall and the waiting room hall (in the back) were built between 1895 and 1905. Nice to know : the 43 metres height of the train hall was once necessary for the steam of locomotives...

Stay tuned to see more pictures of this station...
Please, don't forget to resteem if you like this photo adventure... I'm sure others will like it too!

Other series of pictures I shot in Antwerpen...

I made a whole series of shots of a bicycle tunnel located in Antwerp in urbex-style. If you are curious to see them just click on the thumbnail to see the original post...

What's inside that tunnel... part VI of VI What's inside that tunnel... part V of VI What's inside that tunnel... part IV of VI What's inside that tunnel... part III of VI

What's inside that tunnel... part II of VI What's inside that tunnel... part I of VI

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