Steemit Photo Challenge: My Humble Submission to This Great Challenge, Architecture From Around The World


I am LOVING these Steemit challenges!

They are so good for the Steemit community as they bring the community together, establishing new relationships and inspiring people to new levels of content.

I also love photography and have taken tens of thousands of photos from around the world!

I am more of a nature photography, fan but I have some cool photos of Architecture that may not be winning quality, but I feel after you see them that you will be grateful that you did.

I am participating not really trying to win, but just to support the Steemit Community and be a part of the fun. Hopefully I will make some new friends and share something enjoyable. 

To me, the story or implications of the photo are as important as the photo itself, and that is what I love most about sharing life with people through photography.

Lastly, I want to give a special thanks to @berniesanders for sponsoring this event but also for all the people's posts he has given significance to with his support. Some of my most exciting moments on Steemit have been an UPvote from Bernie!

So without further ado, here are my 3 submissions!

I will start with far and away the most impressive piece of architecture I have ever photographed. I do have some "better" photos of this, but I am 30 minutes away from the deadline and don't expect to win. As I said the story or implications of the photo is what I really want to share and that shall be done here!

This is a photo of the oldest piece of architecture ever discovered in Ireland of which is OLDER than the great pyramids of Giza. It is built out of 100% stone, no mortar and every stone is "perfect" enough to not only fit together but to STAY together for TENS of thousands of years!

But wait, it gets BETTER! Every single year on the winter solstice there is a special little tiny window that lets in light. It is the ONLY day of the year where this light comes in and it appears that the whole inside chambers are dark every other day. So the implications are profound as what this means is this building was specifically built for this purpose and that whoever built it had full awareness of the astrological cycles to build it so perfectly!


My second submission as architecture is actually less amazing (almost everything is in comparison to the first), yet it is the most awesome building that I have ever built. Also the artistic and photographic elements are more stunning!

 It is an Earthship, and as far as modern buildings go, they are some of the longest lasting, most functional and sustainable buildings on earth. The fact that I built it (not alone) is more awesome than the photo! hahaha


Lastly, for my third submission I have an uncommon example of architecture. Yet as with beauty what is architecture is relative. In third world countries where people live on less than a dollar a day, sometimes the only factors are what can be built easily and without money. So here is an example of a VERY basic, primitive and dirty piece of architecture, yet it serves its practical purpose and in truth I respect it far more than most architecture because it is SUSTAINABLE!

This is a VERY common home in India of which millions live in and of which believe it or not is nicer than many other peoples living quarters in third world countries...


I really hope you got something out of this post. I tried to share something that I felt had real value and substance to life as a whole.

I am grateful to be a part of this community and to be participating in this challenge!

Thanks again to @berniesanders and of course @pfunk for being a judge and everyone else who is participating in this!

In closing I want to submit one last photo of which is not for the challenge, simply for more REAL value =)>

The title of this photo is "They Just Don't Make Em Like They Used To (or like I make buildings like earthships!). This is a building that cost a lot of resources to make of which were not particularly sustainable and just falls apart in the matter of decades, as opposed to the architecture of old of which lasts thousands of years!

This photo I actually really love for its beauty, light, color, texture...But as far as architecture is concerned as with almost all western modern homes, is TOTAL CRAP!


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