Title: Silhouette Twilight
Original photo by: Rahmad Sanjaya
Camera: Redmi 5A Xiaomi
f / 2.2. 1/173 ISO100
3.79 mm
Location: Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh
Can not avoid, sometimes photographer also become perfect object by other potographer while capture a moment.
The result is also satisfying, let alone the object taken is twilight, when the sun is painting the sky with the light emission.
Title: Silhouette Twilight
Original photo by: Rahmad Sanjaya
Camera: Redmi 5A Xiaomi
f / 2.2. 1/199 ISO100
3.79 mm
Location: Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh
The moment on the photo is dedicated to Taqincz and Zulfikar Kirbi.