Tour to the Lviv Chocolate Workshop - Part1

Sometimes, I just want someone to hug me and say, “I know it's hard. You're going to be okay. Here is some chocolate and 1 million steemdollars" :D

Long ago promised tour to the chocolate workshop. If you ever visit this beautiful city, a visit to this workshop is a must!

Enjoy the photos!


Cheerful local guys were welcoming singing some good songs

That's how storefront looks like

That's the first floor, some vintage place actually!

Menu of this famous place: the most expensive things are under $1.5 (divide by 27)
To be honest it is pretty expensive comparing to the prices elsewhere in the city, but the place is worth checking out anyways!






These people friendly told me that they will kill me, if I continue to use my flash, but I guess without flash light the photography has even more of that chocolate color.

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Awesome Part 2 of the Lviv Chocolate Workshop Tour, more cool recipes, restaurant reviews and other beautiful posts including very original artwork to come soon ;-)

Thank you for all upvotes and comments!
Cheers, hugs, kisses, all the best and happy whatever you are up to at the moment :D

À bientôt! (and greetings to @bleujay!)

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