Places to Visit in Sparta Greece and a Little History


As some of you may know I am Puerto Rican, Greek and Italian (Sicilian) from a little girl my parents would always take us traveling every summer to Greece and Italy.  I try to do the same with my son as I believe traveling and seeing other cultures makes you see the world in a different way.  You get a different kind of learning experience going to different countries and bringing all that knowledge back to your home.  Today I wanted to talk about Sparta, I have two homes in Greece.  one in Athens and one in Sparta.  My home in Sparta is my ancestral home and it was passed down from my grandfather to my father and from my father to me. Here are some of the places I have visited in Sparta located on the Peloponnese peninsula.


Mistras was built on a hill overlooking Sparta it was an amphitheater built in 1249. It was built like a fortress to protect their giant castles and churches. Located about 6-7 kilometers outside of Sparta these ancient ruins are beautiful and amazing. 



  Stunning Churches





 The Diros Caves

The Caves of Diros is another beautiful site to visit, an underground river runs through the caves and you can jump on a little boat to explore the cave system that stretches pretty far.  It looks unreal!






   King Leonidas

What would Sparta be without visiting the great King Leonidas statue, the hero of the battle of thermopylae.



Thermapalyes- The Battle of 300



Sparta will always hold a special place in my heart.  All of Greece is beautiful especially the islands but if you ever find yourself in Sparta make sure to visit these sites. :)

 The women of Sparta



                                       One of the best 



 sources: pinterest  

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