Ever Discover Something Right Under Your Nose that You Didn't know Existed ?? Hidden Lake Right Behind our Home...

Well, about 4 or 5 months ago my daughters and I decided to take a trek over to the neighborhood right beside ours. The two neighborhoods connect through a gate. Which is easy enough. So we went over there and much to our surprise we stumbled upon the coolest little nature preserve lake just sitting there . And we never knew it existed for the 5 years we have lived in the area. Just a little treasure

It's beautiful with lily pads , birds, ducks, and fish.

So I had some time free and went there early yesterday evening before picking my kiddos up from school. And took the liberty of taking a few photos for your enjoyment to share this little piece of natural serenity below :)

Little white duck just swimming around.

I turned around from the Preserve and that's the main road and it's usually congested with a lot of traffic. It always amazes me to see a modernized, city type area all around with a little sliver of beautiful nature still remaining untouched among it all ;)

This is the neighborhood surrounding the Preserve. Our home is less than a quarter mile away from here.


Among all the bustling and chaos in our everyday life, I think it is important to always take time to observe the beauty which many times sits right under our nose( and we don't even know it) and admire it and give it the attention it so duly deserves whenever possible :)

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