Railroad Bridge - Architecture Photo Journal [ORIGINAL]

Union Street Railroad Bridge in Salem, OR, USA


The Bridge at Noon, Facing West
It was a little cloudy, but unseasonably warm that day as I progressed towards the Salem area and Wallace Marine Park. I was attracted to the underneath of the bridge first. Just up the walk from the gravel parking lot. The texture of the old wooden trusses was so enticing. And the Oregon moss makes for such a nice color contrast to the worn wooden railroad structure. Originally built for trains, the bridge was sold to the city of Salem for just $1, in 2003. Now only pedestrians walk there. And bicyclists...perhaps even zombies, after dark.


Paddle Board Rentals, Under the Bridge
Should I go to the left or to the right? To the right, the boardwalk extends West, upwards towards the bridge. But, of course I head left and under the bridge first! And to my joy what did I find? Green upon green (and a nice nook). ;-)


Tables Underneath the Bridge
A plethora of green picnic tables, all tucked away for the season! An outbuilding rests to the right, just outside this shot. I love the inclusion of the lamppost in this one. You get just a hint of the steel of the bridge above.


Passing Back Under and to the East
East of the picnic tables, near the shoreline. You can just see the river poking out. The weight of the bridge is almost palpable.


Underneath the Bridge, and to the South West
I just love the way this shot pans out into the background. Almost like getting lost in the crisscross of the beams, a child's haven for monkey business; a teen's ticket to toke...The rusty knobs were especially nifty. It was built between 1912 / 1913, after all.


Full-Textured, Rusty Knob
You get the picture. I hyped this one up for full effect. Perhaps you can tell, I'm a sensualist? I am fascinated by texture and tactile sensation. Standing in the the underpass, and West of the picnic tables. The sun poking out casts a nice contrast of light. And now back to the walkway to scale the bridge...


Black & White: Pedestrians on the Bridge
This one looked best in gray scale. The vintage, old-time look really makes this photo feel historic, but nope - 2016 or over 100 years later! The pedestrians just really add to the effect, because, you know, its a pedestrian bridge.


Black & White: Rail-Road Bridge, Underneath
This one I turned into an album cover - for the historical society to use on their commissioned folk soundtrack (j/k). ;-) But seriously, this could be at least a 1000 piece puzzle.


Bridge Arching to the South East
A nice mid-angle of the bridge, as we head East to cross. I have about five other shots I really loved through here, too, but I can only post so many in one journal. ;-) This one made it into the top because of the symmetry of the shadow lines. I really like the darker trees and lighter, concrete walk.


A Photographer Caught
(Facing West) Looks like someone else was taking pictures that day too...This photo seems to play tricks on the mind. The way the lamppost frames this pedestrian on the walk makes it look like they aren't really in the middle...and well, are they? It is hard to say. What do you think?


The Stability Angle
For all its good looks, this bridge is also sturdy. It feels sturdy because the supports extend beyond the base of the bridge. A necessary shot for the die-hard architect wannabe turned photographer. Oh, and a shiny bar-handle too. Shiny.


Looking towards River from West Side
I loved taking pictures of the marsh! And what fun with shadow play...This was my favorite shot of the series, with just a hint of cold steel on the late-Autumn marsh. The other shots include my shadow. Shadow shots are fun! I urge to experiment on your own. I wanted to post at least two more shadow pictures but I really did try and limit it to something loadable. ;-)


Crossing to East Side
The angles and the detail of the bolts really spoke to me. What is your favorite part of this photo?


View Looking Back towards the South West
I just had to display some of the fabulous river shots I snapped. The sand bars were silky under the sunlight. The water reflecting the sun just after noon really made the other bridge stand out. The highway stretches across the water, South of the Union Street Bridge. When I saw this bridge from the highway, I specifically swooped back around to find it, and I didn't even get lost.


Headed West, Back Across
A minimalist capture of the mid-point, as I walked back across to the car. I was hurrying at this point because the restrroms under the bridge had been closed, sadly.


Shadow of the Mid-Point Overlook
A unique view to be certain and not your average capture...You can find all the rest in my new, professional Flickr account! :-)


Black & White: Finale
And now I leave you again with this fist photo, in gray tones. It really feels like a piece of 1912 left with me that day and made it way all the way here, onto this post. I hope you all are as fascinated by bridges and architecture as I am, otherwise you might not appreciate this post as much. But for those of you who do appreciate these intimate captures (from the mind of @robyneggs) I thank you.

Thank you for participating with me again today on yet another photo journey! :-) XOXOXO Cheers and teak care, 'til next time! <3 Be sure and follow me, too - for more creative content - released on Steemit first! :D And, speaking of bridges....

Adubi_Imagery (2016)

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