The Real Face Of India - Part 1

The Real Face Of India - Part 1

I believe that India is the most beautiful country in the world. In this series I show the real face of beautiful India.

I took these following two photographs on the ground of Chennai Museum. The fruits of this tree look like cannon balls. So, it’s called Cannonball Tree.

The botanical name of the cannon ball tree is Couroupita Guianensis. It belongs to the family Lecythidaceae. It is native to the rainforest of central & South America. The tree is sacred to the Hindus in India. The flowers look like NAGA & it is grown at Shiva Temples.

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Cannon Ball Tree
Location : Government Museum Ground, Chennai
Snap taken : 10 July 2016
Camera : Xiaomi ; model - 2014818

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Empty Harvest Field
Location : A village in Odisha
Snap taken : 14 May 2016
Camera : Xiaomi ; model - 2014818

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Green Field Beside Highway
Location : Dakshineswar, Kolkata
Snap taken : 5 August 2016
Camera : Xiaomi ; model - 2014818

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Top Views Of Mango Tree
Location : At My Village Home, West Bengal
Snap taken : 1 October 2016
Camera : Xiaomi ; model - 2014818

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Blue Moon
Location : At My Village Home, West Bengal
Snap taken : 22 July 2016
Camera : Xiaomi ; model - 2014818

[To be continued ….]

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