Bubble Economy - Fine Art Photography (Original Work Series)

Photoblog by @runrudy

This is the first image in a series of work that I have been creating for the past year.

Taken with Sony A7RM2 and 90mm lens.

"If you go into what I call a bubble boom, every bubble bursts." Margaret Thatcher

As an artist and scientist, I originally created this body of work because I needed a way to express my thoughts and feelings about the economic state of the world. An economic bubble represents many things including fiscal irrationality, greed, market mania, panic, and eventually a crash.

I always look at the world with a scientific, cause and effect viewpoint.

The life cycle of a bubble is fascinating. It all starts with chaotic energy as it is first formed. It quickly converts into the most efficient shape possible. Growing bigger and bigger, bubbles continually push and pull with equilibrium to further sustain their existence. As the surface tension and internal pressure grows. Eventually, releasing all of the energy in the same chaotic fashion as it originally came to be.

Photographing a bubble burst is tedious, trial and error work.

You need exact precision and timing in your technique to capture this phenomenon.

Nobody can precisely predict when a bubble will burst.

Yet, it is a scientific and economic certainty that it is not a matter of 'if' a bubble will burst, but 'when' it will burst.

A bubble bursting is the simplest and most perfect demonstration how life and science tend to mimic each other.

I feel that there is no better forum to appreciate this art than those in the crypto-community.

Follow me to see the next image of this series and for more art similar to this.

Hope you enjoy my photography.

If you liked this, please support my art by following me @runrudy

About me and my art:

Late Date

I am a former scientist, now stay at home dad and freelance artist that believes both risk and change are necessary to achieve happiness.

  • New original photographic art on the daily. Never seen on F*cebook.
  • Always original content and artwork from me, myself, and I.
  • If you like my artwork, follow me and I will pump my fist in solidarity and follow you back.

You can read all about my corporate layoffs, failed business ventures, and how I became a stay at home dad in my intro post at Steemit:


Keep running and steem on!


All images © 2016 Rudy Gonzales. All rights reserved.

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