The Griswold Family Vacation continues... Clouds, Corn Fields, and a Nebraska Sunrise

Photoblog by @runrudy

Made in America

One day we woke up early and we hit the road before sunrise. Along the way, I pulled off the freeway several times to take these images. I had to stop because the clouds and light rays were just pouring out of the morning sky. Three different stops and I parked on dirt roads next to these people's farms. The sky was changing every minute as the sun continued to rise and the clouds moved with the cool breeze.

Nebraska is so flat, it is all skies. It made for a glorious sunrise.

Clouds and Corn Fields

Corn Fields and Clouds

Top images all taken with Sony A7RM2 and 16-35mm

My trick for anyone on their next road trip. If you want a better composition, jumping up on top of your car = Insta-upgraded perspective.

It must have looked crazy for anyone seeing a guy standing on top of his car, taking a photo, at 6 am in the morning.

Just like Clark, I have no shame in my game. It's all about the memories.

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All images © 2016 Rudy Gonzales. All rights reserved.

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