The hidden beauty of life - It all depends on your perception - Infrared Photography

Is something unreal just because you don` t know it or because you` ve never seen it before ?
Or is it just another parallel reality, some kind of matrix ? Who knows....
At least i know infrared photography makes you see the world in a new light and honestly to me it often seems like a parallel reality, one that you normally don` t see although it` s there all the time.
Again, this is an infrared photo. Shot with a cam which was modified for this special kind of photography by removing the IR-blocking filter on the sensor and adding a "normal" light blocking filter which only lets IR light pass to the sensor.
Although it seems unreal it is very real, it` s just something that your eyes normally can` t see.
In this shot you can see very good that plants with lots of chlorophyll become white in IR photography, like the grass or the deciduous trees. But not the coniferous.
This fact is also used in aerial infrared photography to monitor the health of woods and the distribution of deciduous/coniferous trees.
I hope you like the world in IR. :)

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©Rznag Rmrod

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