It's was a beautiful misty morning in Bali after my all nighter at the computer!

misty morning.jpg

Sometimes it just has to be done. All-nighters at the computer are clearly not great for the health, especially as someone who tends to smoke cigarettes to keep himself awake! The Sampoerna brand I smoke here are sweet in flavour because they mix the tobacco with cloves, but boy do I cough in the mornings!


Yep... no more chemical filled tobacco is the latest addition to the list of intentions and visualisations for next month.


The film I set out to edit last night was finished by 7am at which point I took the photo at the top of this post and then went to bed!

No matter how tired or stressed I might be, when I look out across this scene, everything in the world is perfect. And very often my eyes fill up with tears of gratitude.

Especially at sunrise :)

How lucky I am to live here at TAMAN PETANU ECO NEIGHBOURHOOD

on the Island of the Gods!

I look forward to showing you the results of my work last night for the awesome Sundaya Company Profile Film which will be hitting the internet very soon :)

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Blessings to you all.

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