The first time I photographed a UFO

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I have never been in any doubt about the existence of UFOs. And as a travelling photographer/filmmaker I am in a rather better position than most to capture them on camera.

This occasion was my first encounter and perhaps the most confusing of my experiences.

We were living in a sleepy little village in middle England, Lechlade-Upon-Thames, Oxfordshire. It was around midnight and I was snapping shots of the stars outside our home as you can see below.







I noticed upon examining this sequence that there was a small dark dot in all of them. Never in the same place twice. Naturally I wanted to remove whatever it was causing this problem, so I took the camera inside and gave it a good clean, making sure there were no insects crawling around on my lens... which is what I suspected it was.

When I came outside and started shooting again, I was surprised to see that the dark dot was still there. It was difficult to make out with the naked eye, but showed up clearly in the shots.

My heart started to pound when I realised this did not relate to my camera. I did test shots in the opposite direction to be sure. And sure enough the dot only showed up when I pointed the camera in a certain direction.

I was 100% sure of the following things:

  • This was not a technical fault with my camera.
  • The object in the sky was hovering & moving completely without sound.
  • It was almost invisible to the human eye.
  • It was not an exact circle but appeared to change shape slightly between shots.
  • It was not of human design.

If it was of human design, it was top secret in nature.

Here is the sequence I shot while my heart was pounding and I was calling for Sabrina to come outside and look at this!









Even as the clouds started to roll in, the dark dot was still visible.

In Conclusion

It just so happens that Lechlade-Upon-Thames is not far from a military air base. RAF Fariford is quoted as being 'currently a standby airfield and therefore not in everyday use'. The locals spoke of strange loud noises from the air base and some of them spoke too of moving lights in the sky.

It is my theory that this dark dot was a cloaking device which did not permit me to see what was really there.

When eventually the dot flew out of sight I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I felt very strange indeed.

I cannot say for sure if it relates to the air base but I can say with certainty that I saw something most profound that night.

Happy to hear your explanations if you think there is human error in my own summary of this situation.

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