Hello there, first of all I send a big greeting to the whole community.
Today I want to talk to you about a photographic style that many of us like and usually attracts a lot of attention and it is that long exposure photography manages to show us things that otherwise our eyes would only dream of seeing.
I uploaded this guide a few days ago and have decided to translate it into English.
By playing with our camera we can achieve very interesting effects using this technique which has many variations, it all depends on how we use our creativity, the possibilities can be endless, but as the saying goes "you have to learn to walk before you run" so let's start with the basics.
So the main thing we will need is our camera, a tripod and our desire to create.
To apply this technique we must have basic knowledge of how to use the manual mode of our camera with which we can adjust the iso, shutter and diaphragm to our taste.
This technique basically seeks to capture the movement that occurs in our composition during a given time.
Now how should we configure these values? Simple, I personally usually work with the minimum iso and diaphragm values that my camera allows me, with that we will achieve less noise and a greater sharpness in the focus, when doing this we will notice that we have a super dark exposure, this is where the shutter plays its role because with it we will decide when we will let the light reach our sensor, that value has a format similar to 1/2000 or something like that (may be 1 or also 1/23; etc.). Well, that value will be lowering it little by little, until it reaches 1? (which would mean 1 second), normally our shutter usually takes the photos in fractions of seconds but as it darkens it is forced to increase this time which normally is usually up to 30s in semi-professional cameras, while others of better range usually reach 60s or more.
Once learned this is time to go out and make our first attempts, we must have patience, it is difficult at first but gives a great gratification to master this technique and is that what photographer does not crave some "lightpainting" photos which is a more advanced variation of this technique which I hope to make a guide soon.
In short, the steps to take our photo would be as follows:
- Place our camera mounted on the tripod on the site we want to capture
- Frame our image
- Setting the iso, shutter and diaphragm values
- And lastly, shoot and wait for time to review the result.
Here are a few tips before you fire me
- Start practicing at night because during the daytime you will play with higher values (and the photos attract more attention)
- He photographs areas with a lot of movement, vehicle lights, people walking, or the sea thus achieving a silky effect of water as in the image he publishes.
- Inspire yourself with the work of other photographers, it's the internet age so there are millions of sites to get ideas from.
- Make sure you have enough battery power as you'll be on for a while with the camera on.
And my good friends, I hope that this little guide will serve you and that above all you dare to go out and experiment with your cameras, soon I will be uploading more content so if you have a topic you would like me to talk about let me know in the comments.
- I await your vote and don't forget to follow me here and in instagram: @samuel_film