📷 Shifen Falls - B&W Photo Contest Entry 【十分瀑布】黑白攝影作品

Hello friends, this is my entry for @davek's B&W Photo Contest! I adapted a vintage 135mm lens onto my Sony A7 for this close up shot of Shifen Falls in northern Taiwan. Without using a neutral density filter I closed down the aperture to f/22 and lowered the ISO to 50 to get an exposure time of 0.4 s in broad daylight.

大家好,這是我參加 @davek's 的黑白攝影比賽作品,此照片攝於臺灣北部的十分瀑布。我使用的鏡頭是一顆老135mm鏡,透過轉接換轉接至Sony A7上。那天沒帶減光鏡,只好將光圈縮到f/22,ISO 調到 50,來達到大白天下 0.4 秒的曝光時間。

Shifen Falls

f/22 | 0.4 s | ISO 50

!steemitworldmap 25.048966 lat 121.787454 long d3scr

Equipment Used / 使用攝影器材

  • Camera: Sony A7
  • Lens: Pentax Takumar 135mm f/2.5
  • Software: Adobe Lightroom

Hope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide quality content :)

My goal is to share with this wonderful community my passion in photography, and hopefully contribute to the awesome inspirational content on Steemit.

I read and try to respond to all comments, and welcome any photography related questions and feedback!

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