Heaven and Earth 5 [Original Photography]

Dear sleepwalkers,

the proverb: "All cats are grey in the dark" is attributed to Benjamin Franklin, explaining why to take an older woman to bed (and from todays view that really sounds offensive).

It means that in the dark, physical appearance is unimportant.

But how can you decide then, whether the wood is glowing or burning? You'd need your other senses, like the sense of smell.


Lime tree (Tilia) by night.


Our Easter fire last night.

"If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."

You might be easily tricked to believe what your eyes see and you often won't be able to decide if it's the tree of life or the hellfire you're facing.

When in doubt, try listening to your gut instincts and your heart.

I'm wishing you an enlightening X-ray vision - Thanks for watching!


P.S.: Here are the links to: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 of the series.
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