More Flowers and Pictures of my Cat!

The Roses are Blooming!!!!


Hello! How are you today? I'm very happy to be able to leave my doors and windows open and greet another beautiful spring day in the woods!!!

I live in South Carolina, which means you need a heater in the mornings and an air conditioner in the afternoons on most spring days. This gives me all afternoon to enjoy the warm breeze flowing through the house. The reason this is so awesome is because this time of year is very short lived.

Many things keep me in the house; besides the heat that will be rolling into the area soon... that being insects. Lots of them. We get flies, mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, and the occasional bird that fly into our house if we don't keep it sealed to their entries.

Needless to say- this is the one time of the year you won't hear me complain about the weather!!!


Today I was welcomed by a lovely rose outside my door. I love these roses. My husband and I were at Lowe's looking for fencing or something, and I passed these rose bushes. They smelled so wonderful, I had to buy one. I took it home and placed it at the bottom of the front steps so that I could smell them on the porch.

These roses are tough, they grow every year, and they will bloom all year long. The bush has gotten so big, that it took over the walkway to the door and I've had to trim it a lot over the years. If I want it to bloom all year I must keep it trimmed. Hitchhikers, (spent blooms that are stealing nutrients) will need to be removed so that the bush has enough energy to make new blooms.

I trim this rose bush three or four times a year, and I throw all of my banana peels around the roots for fertilizer.


Here's an update on my Hosta. She is growing beautifully and will be blooming next month I hope. When she does bloom, a stem with tiny purple flowers in the shape of bells will appear. I do have a problem with the grasshoppers eating the leaves, so I always try to get a picture of it before they take over the garden. I spray the plants with soap water to deter the bugs.


Our yellow roses too are blooming with the sunshine and growing fast. The bush is covered in rose buds, and a few healthy looking blooms. They smell so sweet.


I thought maybe my cat wanted to take some more photos since it was such a beautiful day.....


But, she really just wanted to show me her latest kill. I was impressed, and then patted her on the head so she would know she was doing a good job being a kitty.


I'm having fun taking pictures around the house of all the flowers. More often I am seeing something that inspires me to take a photo. For now I am only using the camera on my phone, but I do have the desire to buy a better camera so I can take better photos!!!

This week a lizard, (which I call all of them Mr. Lizard Man) got trapped inside my window trying to get to some bugs that were also trapped inside the window. I felt bad for him, but I had to get a few pictures before I helped it escape.


There are still so many different plants and flowers breaking through the ground and growing to beautiful additions to our surroundings. I am greeted with new flowers every day, along with new critters and wildlife. I will try my best to capture them on film. I hope seeing these lovely flowers can brighten your day a bit!!!

Have a great day!







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