Cat Mousey Photography 5/5/2018

Photography is what I feel captures the treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like writing it is also an art as the beauty and meaning of a photograph can be expressed and shared in many ways but without words.

Some of you who know me may have already caught on that I like photography but haven't shared much of it here on Steemit I have started doing this and the feedback as been very positive so lets continue doing that from now on 5/05/2018 I will try and share some from time to time.

Cat Photography, Mousey B&W Dim Lighting, September 2 2017

Cat Photography, Mousey B&W Dim Lighting, September 2 2017-.png

Images By: @simonjay

Some of you may already know I like to spend some of my time taking care of many abandoned cats who mostly all suffer from some form of psychological trauma and I sometimes share their cute, funny and sad moments here on Steemit.
Today I have a picture of Mousey this is a more "fuller body type" of B&W picture yet while Mousey sits comfortably on a warm blanket.
My previous snap was more of a close-up but here we can see those cute fluffy snow like paws.
Mousey is not one of my cats but was also abandoned, but is now homed and being looked after well, the last time I saw Mousey was about 1 week ago and seems to be doing fine.
I had to capture some background as Mousey is already a white kitty so without dimming the lights it would of been a mostly very white picture but like this there is some sort of contrast.. plus it gives that "warm home" kind of feeling.

Other Captures

Cat Photography, Bella B&W Poses On Old Sink, Feb 2 2017

Cat Photography, Big Cat Toffee B&W, October 8 2016

Cat Photography, Bella Comfortable Resting Old Sink, August 12 2016

Cat Photography, TinketBowl, Dec 22 2016

Images By: @simonjay


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author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

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@paradise-found - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @meesterboom - @mammasitta - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

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