📷 Excursion to the park of dinosaurs - Predators (part 1)

If you want to get into the past and see giant reptiles that lived many centuries ago, come to Krasnodar in the "Sunny Island" park in which there is a wonderful safari park with exact copies of these predatory and herbivorous dinosaurs. We have already seen herbivores, and today we will get acquainted with predators.

Each exhibit of the park is hidden in dense thickets, and it happens very unexpectedly for no reason to see such a prehistoric specimen. But as you understand this is only the beginning, the most interesting is yet to come. You see, what furious eyes he has, we are already with you in predators, but here we must keep our eyes open.

Over the exhibits of the dinopark worked the best masters from Hong Kong, who also created models for the famous film "Jurassic Park". These dinosaurs were made for several years. Velociraptors belong to the family of dromaeosaurids, the literal meaning of this species is "fast hunter". They were quite small dinosaurs, and often their victims exceeded them in size, but due to increased aggression and the fact that they hunted the whole pack, almost always the enemy was defeated.

The dinopark itself is very large, everywhere there are wooden decking, tracks, the length of which is about 2 kilometers. Dinopark is private, and its owner plans to install infrared illumination to make the park work also at night, but I do not advise taking children with me at night, because some adults were scared and in the daytime, and there is also the darkness added, and the tropical forest , And the terrible sounds of dinosaurs ...

And here you can make a photo with "cute" cubs of large predators.

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