Learning How To Make Matcha & Touring A Japanese Garden - Highlights Of Traveling Japan [Pics & Video]

Experiencing a Japanese garden and an authentic tea ceremony ranked pretty high on our to-do list in Japan. Luckily our friends Lara and John were there to help us out.

They took us to the Yoko Museum and Garden teahouse in Takeo, Japan right outside of Nagasaki.

The Tea Ceremony 

To make matcha green tea, you simply drop the matcha tea powder into the bowl of hot water. You then whisk the tea with with a bamboo whisk using a zig zag motion until the tea is frothy. 

You can then let everyone know how good it is by slurping the tea loudly. 

The Japanese Garden

Real Japanese gardens are gorgeous. The one we visited was very calming and serene. 

We walked by a large koi pond and followed a trail through the garden that led up to a lookout point. 

Here is a video and a some of my favorite pictures: 

Michelle and I recently took a month to travel across Japan and China. It was epic! Follow me @slickwilly and Michelle @curiouser for posts about our adventures! 

  • All pictures are my own taken with a GS7 Edge or GoPro Hero 4. I release everything under CC0 unless otherwise stated.


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