Panoramas Taken At Sakai National Park - Highlights Of Traveling In Japan

From atop Sakai National Park you can see a huge part of Sasebo. Our friend John drove us to see the park and overlook on one of our last days in Sasebo.

It was a little cloudy when we went, but you could still see the shipping harbor and a large part of the city.

Panorama shots: 

Near the top of the park you could see large concrete structures that used to support anti aircraft gunners in WWII. We would never have known had our friend not told us.

A funny sign:

Here we are at the lookout!

 Michelle and I recently took a month to travel across Japan and China. It was epic! Follow me @slickwilly and Michelle @curiouser for posts about our adventures! 

  • All pictures are my own taken with a GS7 Edge or GoPro Hero 4. I release everything under CC0 unless otherwise stated.   

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