Turkish village inhabited by one man only!

Turkish citizen Darwish Mohan, 52, lives alone in his village for seven years, after he hated urban life.

Mohan, a seven-year-old father, immigrated with his family and relatives from the village of Dunamach on the outskirts of the southwestern state of Wan, 22 years ago because of PKK operations.

Mohan worked in many Turkish cities to secure his strength and the strength of his family, but urban life did not suit him.

Seven years ago, Mohan decided to return to his village and found it completely deserted, but he found peace and tranquility there, he said. "Fifty years ago there were about 50 houses in the village, all of them migrated to the cities. Now I'm alone here, I feel lonely sometimes, but generally happy, my wife and children visit me from time to time."

He pointed out that the roads in winter remain closed for several months, but this does not cause him any problem. Mohan lives on the fruits of nature around him and feeds on his own livestock.


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