Interesting places to photograph

It is always great to find interesting places to shoot. It is even better when it is accessible and in the middle of a city. Tampere, the city I live in, is built on a strip of land between two large lakes. There is a river that runs the few hundred metres between the lakes that splits the city in two and has been used for power generation for a long time. This is from the weir at the top.

There are lots of unique places to take photos at in Finland with many being less accessible than this one. Lots of old factories and crumbling farms. Lately, I haven't had the opportunity to explore as much as I would like but as Autumn fast approaches, plan on getting out more.

I should find another local shooter to travel with because as much as I like the solitude, sometimes it would be nice to have the option of good company too. Not too often though as I do really like the peaceful nature of photography, the time to set a shot. wait for the shutter to close on long-exposures while I take in the scene with my organic lenses.

Any activity can be used as a meditative practice. I am not one of those that can sit for an hour 'ooommmming' but, I can appreciate the small moments I have in between. I can listen to the noise of a construction site and find some point of centering within. The trouble is, I rarely take the time to practice as it isn't habitual and my memory fails often.

What kinds of interesting places do you like to shoot at and explore or, where do you like to find a little solace?

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