My ways of relaxing and unwinding do scroll to the end its worth it for the last photo trust me

What is your go to place or thing to do to relax or unwind

In this post I will let you know what are my ways of relaxing, would love to here what are your ways to relax

For me when I have things on my mind and I need to take a bit of time to relax and get my thoughts in order there are two things that work for me

The first one is heading to be by the water I just find walking up and down the beach very relaxing especially at Sunrise or in the case of this shot Sunset

Fishing in the evening glow

fishing in the evning glow.jpg

Fishing is something I just have never got into but it is very popular here at the local beaches, you can see a couple of people out in the water fishing in the shot above

And the other thing that relaxes me is walking, I will often take a break during the day at work and walk a few blocks any time of year, even in winter

Crossing 42nd Street on a winters say


And of course in NYC you never know what you will see on a walk, even other walkers in unique style shall I say

Holla if you think this is Tinkerbell


Incase you cant see it as well as the outfit which I am at a loss for words on how to describe, he had Holla written on his forward and was so clearly enjoying his walk up 42nd street singing and calling out to people.

OK i hope that last photo was worth scrolling down for it always makes me chuckle every time I see it

TGIF the weekend is fast approaching, have a good weekend everyone.

I am having a long one for the week with family so may be on here less than usual for the next week

Stay Cool and Steem on

This photo taken by me using a Sony A6500 mirrorless camera

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