Some Painterly and Expressionistic Photo Work


I thought for a change from the recent tutorials and standard portrait photos I would do something a bit different and post some of my more controversial photo-paintings and photoshop creations.

These generally divide opinion some people love them, others absolutely hate them and can't stand them.  Some of these are achieved through creative lighting and makeup, whilst others have more extensive Photoshop   work (including painting).

Since most of these take significantly longer to create and work on than conventional photos they tend to be standalone one-off pieces.  Unfortunately it is hard to really see them properly at web sizes but I will try to preserve as much detail as possible in shrinking them.

The Photos

This is an untitled photo.  I was going for a cross-processed fashion magazine type look.  I sometimes like it and other times I don't.  The model is Zoe C.T. - I could do more in this style but generally I prefer to process these kind of photos in B&W.  If people like this look I might try some more.

"Untitled Portrait" - model is Emma Wood.  This is probably one of the more conventional photos. Due to the lighting it was a simple retouch job in Photoshop.  What took a long time was adjusting the colours just right and making sure that neutral parts of the shot didn't look too weird.

Again this is untitled.  Model is Axel Von Rosencoff.  This is a much more painterly work.  The pose really spoke to me.  Painting was used here to remove detail and increase the drama.  Perhaps viewers can suggest a title?

"Mornings Are Blue" - this was a very soft hazy kind of shot to begin with.  I emphasised the blue tones and softened it further.  I also painted out extraneous details which I felt were not required and used painting to soften some other features to get the right "feel".  Model is Rachelle Summers.

You can see more of my work @thecryptofiend - hope you enjoy.

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