Colorado Crush 2016 - Featuring Street Artists @birdcap and @nosey42 Part 1

This is Day 4 for birdcap working on a good sized piece in north Denver's RINO neighborhood.

Day 1 and 2 - Sept 10-11

I figured it would be interesting to follow the progress of Michael Roy aka @birdcap and Brandon Marshall aka @nosey42 (instagram only so far). These two guys are out of Memphis, Tennessee painting this wall as a part of the 2016 Colorado Crush - a street art project. The sun was fairly intense the first two days, but that didn't phase them one bit.

birdcap painting over last years project

Day 3 - Sept. 12

Rain was forecast, but fortunately none fell.

There are a lot of details roughed in here. His works are suddenly becoming my favorites after reviewing some of his works on Instagram.

I had inquired whether he uses any projection methods to map out a piece. They do it all freehand and spend a fair amount of time in the beginning eyeballing how everything looks on the wall. It's not such an easy spot in my opinion as the wall is well over 70' wide, but there is a fence not 14' from the wall making it hard to back up to see it all at a 90 degree angle.

Using ladders and scaffolding the first few days.

Day 4 - Sept. 13

Starting to take shape - you can also get a better idea of the length of this piece.

All spray paint after the buff layer was rolled on. Several artists used paint sprayers to paint over past works.

Looking forward to the next few days checking on their progress. The good people of Colorado Crush hooked them up with a motorized scissor-lift. I'd propose a joust in the main parking lot using these scissor-lifts, though somehow I don't imagine the insurers of the event would agree. Scissor-lift jousting - it could become a 'thing', right?

I belong to a photo group that is coming down to this neighborhood on Saturday or Sunday. I've decided I will not be a part of 60+ people trying to snap pix at the same time. Taking this opportunity to photograph the progress of many of the artists' work this week has been rewarding and is more akin to my time lapse style of projects that I enjoy. Seeing the process brings back memories for myself having attended UT Austin's Fine Art program. I am very glad to become reacquainted with that world and the people within it.

be well, Conrad ( @timelapse )

(verification link on my site:
#photography #streetart #coloradocrush16 #graffiti #rinoartdistrict

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