MyPictureSunday#7 - Surfing in Munich! Do you like water activities?

Hello my Steemian friends and welcome to another episode of MyPictureSunday!

As most of you know I had a short city trip to Munich. I felt like I didn't show you the true beauty of this city. Driving through Munich with a bicycle I rented, I came to a place where people were surfing! Yeah right, people surfing in the middle of Munich. The local river is called Isar and flows through Austria and Bavaria. At this part of the river, they built an artificial wave called the Eisbach Wave. If you want to know more about it, here is some more information.

Look at the crowd in the background! A real tourist attraction_

Not even did people surf but also swim! There was such a strong current that people were literally shooting through the water! Unfortunately I had no swim gear with me.

In my last MyPictureSunday post I asked you whether you like urban or nature. Munich offers the best of both! Approximately one to two hours away from the Alps, lots of parks in the city and a great night life.

If you are a town, keep it clean! They even have these little fancy reminders for you.

Thanks for reading my post and that you spend time on Steemit! I would love to hear and get in touch with you! This week I will show you some new Myth or Facts, photography from London and a new Crypto Challenge! Don't miss it!

How did you spend your weekend? Let me know!
Steem on, Tim!

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