Appreciate the Clouds! #1

Just recently I rediscovered some pictures that I took with my analog SLR. Of course nobody really uses analog technology these days, but there is a certain fascination I had and still have with this kind of technology. There was, for instance that now lost feeling and anticipation of having to wait for the pictures that you took. It also meant that every shot was very important as you only had a couple of shots before moving onto the next role of film. While these can be thought if as limitations the quality of the images taken with analog SLRs are actually often a lot better than those of DLSRs. So there aren't just advantages of the digital counterpart.

Anyway, I took a lot of pictures of clouds as they still fascinate me. I can think of almost no other "thing" that can occur is such variation and beauty. Fortunately I lived in a country with lots of clouds so I was almoat daily blessed with their occurance (not that I don't appreciate the aun as well ;) As a fun fact, there is even a where crazy people like me like to share their images of clouds with one another.

So in the next days I want to share with you the almost forgotten pictures taken with my camera some years ago. I hope you enjoy them. If you want, you can also sent me a message and I can share the original image with you :)




I hope you enjoyed these first few glimpses :)


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