We are making memories all over the world, let us share some more about Myanmar #3

Our story continues in Yangon where we stayed for a couple of days.

Lucky us we were able to find the only normal place to have breakfast and a nice cup of coffee. This restaurant was designed by Dutch people, so we could really enjoy delicious croissants with Gouda cheese. Unfortunately the Dutch prices were there as well... But ... we do not complain because there was (although not very strong) WiFi!


With our regular drinks, a vanilla latte and a cappuccino, we were considering the schedule for the day. As it was already hot quite early, we decided not to go the famous Shwedagon pagoda until the end of the afternoon. So the temperature could drop and we could enjoy a sunset. Double win!
When the time was right, these chicks went straight to their goal and as prepared as we were, again with our sarongs in the bag. We stalled our flip-flops and could begin the huge climb of stairs. Grrrr ... we thought we were done with that!
After we gazed upon the amazing pagoda, we looked for a quiet spot where we could take a look in our private guide; the lonely planet, cause there was a lot to read in there about this pagoda. And then…. Then it happened!
We were addressed by a male with a bun in his hair. Surprisingly he started asking questions:
"Hello, where you going?"
'Where you from?'


And suddenly there was a waterfall of stories. He took his big Santa book out of his bag and went through all the reviews from his customers that were in there. This bun was a guide! In fact, we wanted to know more about this pagoda and it was a nice old little guy, so we gladly accepted him as our new guide. Well there we went, on the move with Uncle K (he told us to call him that)!
We started looking up our date of birth and the corresponding meanings.
Carmen is a Tiger and Nikki a little mouse. Now you were very curious about the meanings:

Tiger, born on monday:

-Cool and quiet type
-The moon is your planet

Little mouse, born on thursday:

-Intellectual person
-Strong counterparty
-Jupiter is your planet

Soon Uncle K. started talking about the football match that was on that night. He asked if we also loved soccer and as polite as we were, we said yes. That's where it went wrong...
Uncle K. suddenly had a hurry! He really had to and really wanted to see this football match. So we were just running and running after Uncle K. to make the most beautiful pictures as soon as possible before darkening. 'Yes, quick, quick, footbal match!'


Hi, click, another photo and run through. "Ok, let's go! We do not have time, come on! .... '
And before we knew we sat in a leisurely restaurant, on plastic chairs and with a very very disgusting cup of Myanmar tea watching a football match. Shouldn't there be beer with football?!
As for Uncle... He was sitting at the front and his nose almost touched the TV because he could not see the ball. "Yes, eye surgery hihi."

Well, Myanmar did not win and did not lose with soccer, so we could continue. Could we now really hear the rest of the stories behind the pagoda? After returning on our bare feet, Uncle K took us by the hand and sat down in a quiet spot where he could tell his beautiful stories. First there was a love story and then a story about the hidden corridors below the Pagoda. We tried quietly listen to him as nicely as possible, but Nikki was occasionally distracted by mosquitoes and cockroaches. Uncle K was not used to this! Every time we even wandered our eyes, we were called back to the story again by a snap of the fingers of a pull on our arm by Uncle K! 'Hello, listen listen!!! I will ask questions in the end!'. As sweet and fragile as he seemed at the start... as strict and compelling this little man actually was!


After hearing these beautiful stories, we would go to some other unique places. Still in the trance of the fairy tales we walked behind Uncle K who apparently had made up his mind again and was looking for a quiet place. Again we had to sit down and take off our bags. Uncle K also installed himself in a comfortable position and wanted to start a story again. He took a deep breath and looked at us, after which his gaze changed; 'But but... Did I not already tell you the love story ..? I told you already right!" Was Unce K demented? This 70 year old man had a long-term memory of an elephant, but let's not talk about his short-term memory of about 3 minutes. After about 4 hours (He said at the beginning it would take about 2) we left the pagoda with a piece of history and science in our minds and a blue arm of Uncle K. It was beautiful!


The next day, we thought it was time to have a taste of the nightlife again, and where can you do that better than in a big city on Saturday night. We had seen a Skybar near our hotel earlier. It took about an hour to do the work beforehand: shower, washing our hair, doing our make-up and our most beautiful backpack clothes appeared. We felt (compared to the last couple of weeks) really good looking. Upon entering, we saw a dazzling, blonde, humiliated DJ who was totally hypnotized by his own music. We quickly ordered a cocktail and took place in a lounge bench with a beautiful view. The atmosphere was good, the music was good and the drinks were delicious. We could stay here for a while, the only downside at that moment: a second drink was not possible because we discovered we had run out of money. These diva's tried to do as long as possible with their one drink, but because we really wanted to stay for a while longer, we had to get to an ATM.
Carmen went to an ATM quickly, but in the meanwhile, Nikki heard the music slowing down. Also the beat was no longer there. From music with a good bass it suddenly went to shuffle music! Whatt ?!
Panting Carmen came back with money and we ordered another drink. At that moment, too, a sweet man asked us if we wanted another drink because the bar was closing. Sorry, did we hear this correctly?! The bar was closing?!... It was 23.30 hours people!


Where we first had to sip our cocktail slowly because of the money problem, we now had to drink very fast. Meanwhile the music was already off and the bar stools were stacked behind us. But we stayed seated...
5 minutes later the cushions were taken from the couches. But we stayed seated
The lights went off 1 by 1 ... We did not finish our drinks yet, so we stayed seated...
Okay, we were almost in the dark! So we had no other choice and drank our drink straight up.
This was our night out on Saturday. Grandma and Grandma on the move....

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