Bryant Lake Hiking - Part 1 📷

I've had a few great hikes lately, but busy so have some posting to catch up to. This hike was out to Bryant Lake in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. It's not a commonly known place, but as usual, those are often the best places since you get some solitude.

It was a VERY hot day for this area (30°C / 86°F) so staying down along what I hopes was a cold flowing creek was my plan for the day, instead of a hot summit or ridge hike, which I normally prefer.

NOTE: Click images for large views!


Sometimes even if the subject isn't that interesting, you can pull out a photo with some nice contrast, colors and backgrounds that just show something raw. This tree branch was broken off by the wind likely, and the resin / sap was oozing out bright orange on the tree. I thought it looked cool with the green behind.


Getting up the creek further on, I was able to capture a few more panoramas. Unfortunately, this one just wouldn't stitch properly, but I still like the scene.

As with any mountain creek, there are some massive boulders, that almost always seem out of place.


Heading up a slope, the view in approaching as the slope is achieved.

And there we have it, the final valley towards Bryant lake, which is hopefully not dried up like the stream at the end of this valley.

Bryant Lake, a great very unpopular location. Had the place all alone for some photos and a quick dip in the freezing water to cool down.

An awesome lunch spot, easily enjoyed in my pack hammock, I don't leave home without one! haha

The views and scenery here are pretty phenomenal. Glad to have some shade in the trees though to relax after the long hike in.

The ridge and mountains around the lake have a few peaks I plan to summit another day, was simply too hot to even consider this day.

Heading out, I'm finding a few more interesting photos.

And of course, another nearby mountain to capture in a pano.

These clouds were just amazing, they gave some great contrast but the shade from the clouds seemed to avoid casting down on me, it was so hot!

I hope you like the panoramas, scenery and shots, sorry its been a while since I've posted. Lots of catch up on hopefully, but my free time is spent IN the mountains, capturing these great moments...

Please follow me for others and I'd love to hear from you in the comments! Enoy!

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