Door Jam Mountain Hiking - part 1📷

I was fortunate to make my second trip up Doorjam mountain a couple weekends ago. Its a fantastic ridge hike, some great slab scrambling and some awesome exposure over the ridge, which actually has some nice climbing areas below I have also done rock climbing at before.


The picture above shows some of the huge gravel washouts that were from the major flooding here in 2013. They have left some big scars all over, that gravel wash turned the small creek flow into a 40-50m wide rock washout now. Aside from these areas being forever changed, the ridge here has been untouched and is an amazing hike.

The hike has a pretty major and continuous upward grade. You can see the ridge line going up to the doorjam mountain summit, which has massive slabs at the top to scramble that can be a bit tricky to properly route find a good way up them.

The views looking back down along the ridge line that we hiked up are an awesome site. The snow peak mountains across the valley are perfect. The steepness here is hard to capture with a camera, but it gives you a good workout, that is for sure!

This show shows a bit better, just how steep most of this hike is. A lof the exposure and scrambling get really interesting from this point upward. So much fun!

Almost near the top of the first mountain, called door jam. This show still looking back, you can see the cliff sides of the ridge we've come up in the bottom left.

And finally, the summit of door jam is just off screen on the left, but this shows our next destination in the middle of the picture, the next major peak, called Loader. I'll post some pics of that next segment.

No big surprise, the leeward side of the final summit approach is still covered in show drifts. Its all wind scoured though so easy to walk on still to the summit.

Some great views up here!

I hope you enjoyed this photo series, I'll get the next one posted with the photos that continue on to the next summit, Loader and an awesome but risky alternate exit route we took, which turned out to be QUITE an adventure. Until then....

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