TRIBE \\ My latest shoot \\ Fashion looks for an upcoming collapsed society


I had a blast at the last shoot I directed.

The project is called TRIBE and as you can see, the inspiration was a Clockwork Orange style gang that lives in a collapsed society but somehow, they still care about their Hair and Make-up...

I'm tagging this work under photography but these images are actually screenshots from a video that 'll be posting here in the near future. The goal was to present the work of my friend Kathy Simon, who, besides creating amazing haircuts, is an educator that developed her own system that teaches geometry and structural design principles that are applied to the art of hair. She has been proven and acclaimed at countless shows worldwide. Aside from that we see eye to eye artistically and it's always a blast to work with her. for more hair & @vachemorte for way more fashion videos/photos in this spirit.


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