Wasp Spiders

Wasp spiders (Argiope bruennichi) I think aren't new photographs that have a special value to show here, considering it has often from steemian's who post about it. Moreover the Wasp spider is an animal commonly found in Europeans.

Results of search, I found the keyword "Wespenspinne", resulting in an entire article dominated in German.

de.wikipedia.org source reports on its habitat.

Die Wespenspinne war bis vor etwa 50 Jahren vor allem im südlichen Europa verbreitet, in Mitteleuropa sehr selten; ihr Vorkommen war hier auf wenige Verbreitungsinseln in der Oberrheinischen Tiefebene, im Rhein-Main-Gebiet und in der Umgebung von Berlin beschränkt. Seitdem hat die Art ihr Areal stark vergrößert und ausgedehnt. Mittlerweile ist sie in fast allen europäischen sowie in einigen asiatischen und nordafrikanischen Ländern anzutreffen. [de.wikipedia.org]

Wasp spider was shot from the Aceh's land in Banda Aceh which is very commonly found in our place. I photographed to comfort myself and kill the wrath that culminated today.

Separate the 3 pieces of photo below because of the color that is not aligned due to the use of different lenses.

Shot from Aceh's land in Banda Aceh.
Taken with the smartphone camera of Samsung Galaxy S7.
Color density processed in Adobe Photoshop.

Previously, I've also posted spiders of the same genus Spider and its prey, what makes it different is the location of shoot.

Note: Comments that are praise won't be served. I want criticism, May we be smarter to be critics.

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