Part 1: Traveling to Historic Places in Agra, India | WandererOnWheels Adventures Episode 5

This is the continuation of a previous blog post that I had put up.

We had traveled from Delhi to Agra in Gatimaan Express, India's Fastest Train!

Once we reached Agra Railway Station, we took an auto rickshaw (tuk tuk) ride to the Taj Mahal. 

He charged us Rs. 80 for the ride, but we ended up giving him 100 bucks because of his politeness and kind attitude!

He could've dropped us off directly to Taj Mahal and also could've overcharged us.

Instead, he showed us around his city, explained about the place and also charged us less!

There are some good rickshaw-walas too, you know! :) 

Once we reached the spot, we had the choice of either walking till the monument or taking a ride on one of these electric vehicles.

We decided to take a walk.

It was a long walk, but we had lots of fun along the way! 

There are many gates to enter. I don't exactly remember the gate number through which we entered!

This was our first view: Entrance Gateway of Khan-i-Alam Bagh.

From another angle.

Notice the Taj Mahal peeping through the gate? :P

As soon as we entered inside, we were greeted by the Taj Mahal magnificently! 

My brother @yesaye, mom, me (L to R)

We moved ahead to see these beauties!

No, I didn't upload the same pictures twice! 

These are two different buildings located on either sides of the Taj Mahal.

The first one is a mosque and the other is Jawab (answer).

These were made for architectural balance, it is believed.

Next to Taj Mahal flows the Yamuna River. 

This is the view from across the river!


After this, we entered the Taj Mahal.

I will post the remaining part of my journey in the next part.

Hope you enjoyed reading my post! 

All photos except the last one were clicked on my Motorola G4+ phone.

If you liked it, please support me by upvoting, resteeming (if you think it's worthy) and following me @wandereronwheels!

Here are some of my posts that you may love reading!

  1.  Exploring in the Rainy Season! | WandererOnWheels Adventures Episode 4
  2.  Weekend getaway to FARANGIPET WATERSIDE! | WandererOnWheels Adventures Episode 3
  3.  Some UNTOUCHED BEAUTIFUL places in India! | WandererOnWheels Photography #1

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