Bear Kid Series Ep. 15 - Beach Day

Welcome to our 15th episode of the bearkid series. A photo shoot with my lovely daughter @bearkid. Every Friday we travel, tell stories, cook, share about life and culture. In this episode summer is almost here and bearkid wanted to go to the beach to get some sun, feel the ocean breeze and play on the sand. Join us today and have some fun in bearkid's...............

Beach Day


There is a bear who loves to explore and is traveling from a land not far away. Hiding in the bushes she comes out and finds a beach where she could play.


She likes what she sees and the cool breeze of the ocean brushes her face and fills her with delight. She heads out to the sand excited and thinking of all the fun she would have.


"How delightfully nice is the ocean breeze. Should I swim in the ocean? Should I ride a boat to take me to the great beyond? Maybe I would play in the sand first."


Bearkid looks at the sky and thankful that it is a sunny day. She takes a moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun and then she began to explore the beach. While walking she finds something that sparked her curiosity. As we know bearkid is always curious about her surroundings which sometimes gets her into trouble.


"There is a hole on the ground!"
"What could it be?"
" Is it for playing golf? Maybe I should take a closer look."


Bearkid examined the hole and them something moved inside which made her squeal in delight.

"There is something moving inside the hole!"


"Something is moving and I don't think it's a golf ball."


Bearkid sat by the hole refusing to leave as she wanted to know what is inside the hole. She waited patiently and examined the hole closer.


She looked closer..........................


and closer...................

"Should I poke the hole with a stick?"
"Should I place my hand inside it?"

While examining it closely something inside moved again.

"I see it! I see it! It is a crab! This hole is the home of a crab. I wish there is a bigger hole so I can also live inside just like a crab."


"I think I will leave you alone now. Bye bye crab,"

Leaving the hole in the ground she sets her attention on the ocean.


"The ocean! Should I go for a swim? My coat will get wet if I do. "
" No matter I will still run towards the ocean to dip my feet in the cool salty water."


Bearkid runs toward the ocean as fast as she could. The water was cool and the salty air around her made her think about food.




Suddenly bearkid stopped running

"This is my spot I'm hungry and there should be fish around here somewhere."


She looked around and very much confident that she would find some fish. She stood there quietly with no plans at all. Hoping to find a fish and to just catch it with her bare hands.

While waiting she saw something moving in the water. Then something swam near her feet which startled bearid.


Hurriedly she ran back to the shore.

"Somethings swam on my feet. I think it's a fish but now I am not sure if I could catch it. Catching it with my hands will not work for me."


Standing on the shore she though of something else she could do. The fish startled her and the plan was a failure from the start.


"No more fishing for me."
" I see a boat there and I will claim it!"

Slowly she headed towards the boat on the shore.





"Wow this is a fishing boat! Think of all the fish I could catch with this boat."


Bearkid thought of all the adventures she could do on this fishing boat. Thinking of braving out into the great beyond in search of mythical creatures like mermaids. An idea struck her.

"I will hide in the boat and hopefully will get my adventure when it sails away. It is the perfect idea."


Bearkid boarded the boat and hid quietly. Moments passed and nothing happened.


"This will not work I think it is a bad idea. If I get lost at sea I will not be able to go back home."


Looking inside the boat she found something that sparked another idea.

" Look I found some shells. I know what I would do next. I will mark this beach with my name using shells that will last forever."


She boarded off the boat and headed for the shore to find some shells to fulfill her idea.


The shore was filled with different types of shells. Different sizes, different colors which are perfect for her plan.


Her mind was being drowned with ideas as she started picking out the shells on the shore.

"There are a lot of shells here and a lot of them are from clams. The ones that I eat on my soup."


"Here is one that is white as snow. Oh there's another one!"

Bearkid collected as much as she could.


Choosing the best ones she found she shows off her collection.

"Look! Look! Aren't they pretty?"
"I would still need to find more so I can finish my masterpiece."



After spending more time collecting shells. She finally had enough shells and she began to work on her masterpiece.



With much effort exerted she was almost almost finished and very eager to show to the world what she accomplished.


Finally it was completed and her work here is done.

"I did it! I have marked this beach with my name and it would just stay here for all to see!"


While marveling at her creation she saw something run towards her shells.

"What is it?"


Bearkid looked closer to investigate the mysterious creature.


She looked closer and when finally she saw what it was. She screamed in delight.

"It's a baby crab! It's so tiny and cute."
"Hello there little crab. I think he likes what I made or maybe that shell is his home."
"Go back home little crab to your shell or your hole in the ground. I think I will go home now as well as I already had a lot of fun today."


Reminiscing everything she did this day. She heads on her way home but before going home she takes a final look of her creation.

"So much fun I had today. I found some holes in the ground, I found some shells, I sailed away on a boat. There is a lot I did today and I feel I could accomplish anything.

"I could do anything and I know I can even.................................FLY and reach for the moon!"

The End


Thanks everyone and hope you enjoyed our story for today. I case you would like to read back thru our adventures. Feel free to check how the series was born Meet Bear Kid

If you had fun please help support our series every Friday that would make our little bear happy and well fed lol. Until then Cheers!


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