Taking Steemit Back In Time, To The Medieval Age, Camelot And King Arthur

At 9 AM we were already fresh and wide awake. We took breakfast at the hotel I've told you about in my last post, the one on the Lands’ End cliff.  3 of us chose English breakfast, but as I am more of a traditionalist, I had coffee and a croissant with butter and jam inside.

The check-out was done, so I went to my car, where I had an unpleasant surprise: a 1 kg sugar bag was completely broken, so all the sugar was spilled in the boot (trunk). I had to spend a few minutes to remove some of it. 

I put the luggage in the trunk, and we were ready to continue our mini adventure. We planned our next stops to be CAMELOT CASTLE and MERLIN CAVE. 

First we had to pass by Penzance, the location of St Michael Mount. We wanted to check what was at the time, an island or peninsula? This time it was an island and the only way to get there was by boat. How cool is that?  

We took a photo and then we went on, having a long way until our destination.  

Since when I was a child, I wished I lived in the medieval age, with King Arthur, taking part at the round table and asking Merlin the Magician for advice.  

You can tell my excitement for being here. I was aware that the only thing I could see were ruins, but even so, was nice to turn back time. We bought the 9£ tickets and started our visit of the historical place.  

First, we went to a balcony on a cliff, hundreds of meters above the sea level. We saw the stairs that went down. I don't know how many steps we had to walk, but it was worth it, not necessarily for the tourist attractions, as for me to remember my not so secret reverie.  

On the bay there were 2 caves and one of them was the magical cave, where Merlin, the magician, spent most of his time. Obviously we went inside; we walked and jumped on the rocks, while we also stepped in water. Then we realised it was too dark and our phones weren't enough for that adventure, so we had to go back, for our safety. We decided to visit the castle ruins, on top of the cliff.

The not so nice part, was that we had to walk again all those stairs and we finally got to the top, were only ruins. But the sight was beautiful. 

For God's sake, it stopped raining, so we could fully enjoy the view!

We walked everywhere, while my mind had already begun to remember all the movies and books from childhood. 

Like the icing on the cake, on the top of the cliff was the sculpture of King Arthur, a beautiful piece of art. We spent hours staying in line, trying to get a picture with it. The girls were really hungry, talking only about the fresh-baked scones that we had seen in a bakery on our way to the castle.  

From the castle ruins, you could clearly see the Hotel Castle, on the other side of the cliff. If you have a bit of money to spend, I suggest you to sleep there. I have seen some photos on tripadvisor that were really incredible.

Before embarking on our journey home, we didn't forget to stop at Tintagel village to have scones and tea. A long trip was waiting for us: 500 miles.  

If you enjoyed reading it, upvote and follow me :)

You can find the first part of our trip here

Special thanks to @diana.catherine for helping me editing 

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