"All The Skies" - Original Photos of my View from the Sky Road, Connemara, Ireland

It wasn't long after moving to the Sky Road that I began to see why it was called that - each day a different and breathtaking sky.  From a view over city streets in England to this magnificent view over the Atlantic on the wild west coast of Ireland, it was a magical experience that changed me forever.  I'll never be able to return to a boring view after seeing this day after day, that's for sure! 

The Sky Road, an 11km circular route, is one of Ireland's most famous roads, which starts in the small town of Clifden. Although it draws tourists in the Summer season, the rest of the year (between September and Easter) is very quiet, and so was perfect for me and my husband who love peaceful and wild places.  You can drive the Sky Road, but personally I prefer to walk or cycle along it as there's so much beauty to take in.  Not only are you overlooking the ocean, you also have spectacular views of some of the small islands off the coast.

From our house we had great views of Slyne Head lighthouse in the distance, and two smaller redundant lighthouses called the White Lady on the end of Errislannan peninsula, and the White Man opposite her on a raised rock.

Here are some of my favourite skies from our house on the Sky Road!  I hope you enjoy them :-)

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