Black & White: Exoskeleton of cicada // 黑与白: 蝉蜕

Cicada is really an amazing insect on the world. It can lives in soil for 17 years, until the same age like you and get adult and come out from soil. Then die within a few weeks. What are them doing in soil? Will they dig here and there? How far will they travel under ground?

Imagine, we all eagerly to get adult and enjoy the freedom from parents, schooling and others. (Of course the truth is we free from something and we buried ourselves into some others.) But they don't, and they can't. Because once they grown up, they have only a few weeks to find a mate and spread their kids. They don't have a few more years to enjoy like we do.

I can't say cicada is poor insect. This is their lifestyle. I can't say we are blessed too. Because we have our way to go too.


蝉, 是一种很神奇的昆虫。 从小, 把自己埋在土中17年, 等到自己成长起来。 从小, 我就对蝉很好奇, 没事做躲在土中17年干嘛去呢?? 在土里它们也爬来爬去吗? 会不会爬哪儿去呢? 会跑多远? 成虫以后, 吃树汁, 交配, 没多久就死掉了。

人, 平均年纪80岁。 通常17,8 岁成年。 离开家, 离开父母, 寻找自己的天地。 我们还有好几十年享受呢。 (事实是, 我们长大离开了一个圈,以为脱离约束。 诸不知, 自己掉入了另一个更难熬的圈。)蝉, 只要离开土壤, 就要赶紧找到配偶, 交配, 生下下一代。 然后就匆匆死了。 我也不知道它们享受了吗?

motionkicker made an amazing time lapse of cicada.
Return of the Cicada on Vimeo by motionkicker
motionkicker 制作的缩时- 蝉的回归。

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