My loveliest moment -- Night Macro // 最爱, 最兴奋的时刻 -- 夜间微距摄影

Macro photography is my favorite. I started macro photography with a 10X magnifying glass attached to my 18-200mm kit lens. Then I got my Raynox with 50mm prime lens. Both these I still keeping them. They are good and cheap for starter, just the focus distance too short and only suit for smaller objects. After that I got my Tamron 180mm macro lens. Ya, until now I'm still using the 180mm. It's good enough for me because it has a long working distance. Just pretty heavy to carry.

微距摄影一直以来都是我的最爱。 刚开始接触微距摄影的时候, 我是在18-200mm 标准镜头加上10X的放大镜片来拍摄。 后来添购了50mm 定焦镜和Raynox 微距接头。 这两样东西我都还保留着。 他们是最经济的入门器材, 缺点就是焦距太短, 而且拍摄物不能太大。 最后, 添购了我现在还在服役的Tamron 180mm 微距镜头。 这是好东西, 因为焦距够长。 只是重量不轻。

I like night macro because I can always found somethings that I can't see and found in day time. Insects, spiders and snakes are really amazing. Sometimes also mushrooms, and anything that looks nice.

我很喜欢夜间摄影, 因为夜里常常可以见到日常看不到的昆虫, 蜘蛛, 蛇类。 有时候, 拍摄菌类也是很有趣的。


Scorpion under UV light.

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