Need new ideas? Maybe you haven't tried this one yet.
Part 7 was about the equipment itself and parts 8 and 9 are what to do with it.
How was it made?
Equipment: Different kind of reflectors, a flower and of course a camera.
CD is an excellent reflector without melting it, but it gives much more when distorted.
The colors of a rainbow. Photos: CC BY-SA
Some light to the petals with the bottom of the metal can.
Only bright sunlight. |
...or what's it called in English? Läpipainolevy in Finnish. |
Some light to the flower stem with the lid of the metal can.
How to make ordinary things look interesting, enhanced, weird, crazy, pretty or just different than usual. Previous parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.