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Nudity arrived in Steemit

Only Zuckerberg can avoid nudity. Priscilla was not allowed to put a mirror in his dressing room. She told me, he was totally hysterical by viewing his own body without clothes. The pope can avoid it as well in the halls of Vatican. He is okay, because he knows a lot about human nature. And, last but not least, there are moments people should avoid it, please. But there is not one reason for mormon censorship in Steemit and I'm glad they let it run. Nudity is nothing sensational. It can't hurt one person. Just in the daily traffic of a city, it will be little dangerous, cause of serveral logical reasons. Nudity is human being as it is. Just a person, reduced to the kernel of matter. It is me, you, behind all the imaginaton of worthless kitsch. Human being without any material attributes from the outside of the individual. Isn't it just beautiful? Old, young, male, female, fat, fair, fourty, eighty, no problem. It's just human being as it is.

Maybe, because of this banal naked truth, a lot of people make coloured stitches on their skin. To show they are different, as well when they are naked. To show: Hey, I'm so and so. Look the message of my painful stitches tattoos, Now you know who I am. Apart from this, it doesn't work either, because every human being could change rapidly like a racing car, even on standard–time. And a tattoo really doesn't show me anything,. Cause its a private show for the person behind the skull of the tattooed body. And I am not authorized to have heavy thoughts about a person I don't know.

Nudity is just an attraction for the nervus opticus and the following organization after. Because of the machine behind. Brain is trained, often in a wrong manner, by the wrong people, with wrong topics and totally wrong priorities. What everybody describes at least as a wrong education. I would not take so much care for such a briefly effect like nudity.

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