Lana tells, "The action I desperately needed".

Hello Steemians, Steemers, Steempeople, Dudes, Peepz ... how do I name everyone? Well, I sometimes ask Lady-Boss when I think of it!

Here a woof of Lana.

I need some Action!

Have you been so hot lately, too? We certainly do! But warm or not, I am a working dog! And I want something to do. I just want to do something, I just want action, I just have to be busy, I can not sit still! I just get very nervous when I can not do anything, so I had to take action. And what could be more fun than playing with a ball! And not only a ball, I also have a "Running Egg", that's totally cool! And well, if I do not have a ball, and I do not always have the "Running Egg", then I'll grab branches to play with. But now I was allowed to come alone, and we went to a field to play fetch with a ball.


Because yes, you know ... do they call that "training"? Do you get it? Training! I do not need any training at all. I can walk fine, I can run very well, I can jump very well, I am very good at playing, and I listen when I find it useful and when I feel like it. That I don't always come when Lady Boss or Boss calls me, that does not immediately mean that I need training!

I think it is already faint enough that I can never walk away from the line, they have to know that I will come back, it only takes a long time .. and yes, I admit, if I find something interesting then maybe I forget also that I have to go back ... I run so hard my paws can carry me behind that interesting thing. And there is a lot of interesting things where we live. A dragonfly, a frog, the mice, sparrows, chicks, pigeons, horses, roe deer, stones, glass, garbage, sand, compost, wasps, bees, flies, metal, cyclists, cars, walkers ... Actually you can just say, everything what my snout can find I find interesting. I have a good life!

So Enthusiastic!

Anyway, I digress ... you see, that is because I am such a cheerfully enthusiastic dog! I'm going back to the subject today! I need action! So Lady Boss and Boss grabbed a ball and we went to a field. I am on a long line in my beautiful red harness. Do you see how beautiful it fits me?

Lady-Boss, Boss, what is this? Are you serious?

And then suddenly it starts to get serious ... They just did not throw the ball away for me! No no, I suddenly hear "Lana GO SIT". And seriously I really had to think about that, because say yourself, if you have a ball, if I see a ball, then there is no need to sit, am I right? But Boss and Lady-Boss were really serious and I soon realized that I really would not be able to catch a ball if I did not do well what they asked of me first. So yes ... I sat down! And they were so happy with that, they immediately threw that ball away. Well, I ask you ... What is the point now that I have sat down properly, when they immediately throw away the ball so that I have to get up to get that ball! What is it now? I can sit well! I really know what that is, is that training?

Flying high!

Anyway, I am a good dog, so I kept doing what they asked of me and the ball flew again. And I flew back. I ran, I flew, I jumped and just had that ball. I scraped him out of the air like that! I was happy, and Boss and Lady-Boss were so proud of me! The long line dragged me behind and I only had an eye for that ball.

Do ya think I'm crazy?

But if you think they were satisfied now? No no ... they also wanted me to lie down. "Lana lie down". Well say! And then I will definitely fly like a madman once again as soon as I lie down, you will be so funny to throw that ball away. I am a good dog, but I am not crazy! Well, to make a long story short ... The ball was not thrown again, before I lay down. And I want so much behind that ball, so I'm just going to lie down!

Flying again!

And exactly what I had already expected. I was allowed to fly like crazy again to get the ball! But hey, I'm really fast. So from a lying position, I jumped up and YES ... I caught the ball so high in the air again. Oh dude! This is kick! I am so good!


After that I also had to show that I had the command "Lana Stay". Boss did not really think this was necessary. But Lady-Boss convinced him that it was necessary. Gee, I am a very emancipated dog, but in this case I still wished that Boss had kept his paw straight. But as you see ... I did that again.

And then suddenly unexpectedly the ball is not thrown in front of me ... I am just very focused looking at the ball ... I can already estimate how to jump. Where I have to make my jump, how high I have to go ...

And then they roll the ball! Gosh, they almost had me with that! But quickly as I am, well focused, well observant. This trick I have also seen through and successfully put my mouth over the ball to bring him to a stop. What an evening have I had!

After returning home it was really quiet for me. I was tired after all. Myla and Rowan went with a boss and I was actually pretty happy. Normally I want to go straight away again, but now I thought "Not now". I did not know that listening could be so tiring! Maybe that's why I do not do it too often, hmmm ... that's a good reason to listen to less well from now on. You get too tired! I'm glad to have barked my story to you, and I'm going to sleep for a while!

And no more photo's please!

Paws and Woofs!


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