Quality Time Together.


After the death of my buddy Lex, I was sad. Very sad. I did not want to eat anymore, I did not want to play anymore ... and boss and lady-boss understood me. They understood very well that I had to mourn. That I had lost my mate, and that I needed time.

Lex wouldn't want to see me so sad.

They also gave me time, but they also wanted to help and encourage me to pick up my life again. And they said to me, "My dear Myla Mouse, Lexxieboy would not want you to be so sad. Lexxieboy would also like to see you make fun again. That you are happy again, that you continue with your life. And of course you don't have to forget Lex, we also will never forget him. But we have to go on girl. Lex himself has always been a happy boy ... so he wants to see that in his girl again. Don't you think?"

Back to life.

I looked at them, I doubted ... but in the end I had to agree with them. Because it's true! Lex would not want me to always mourn. He was just so fond of my always cheerful character. So I took Lady-boss to her sleeve and made it clear that my time has come again to be happy again. And where can I better regain my zest for life then together with Lady-boss in the woods?

Together with Lady-boss.

Luckily Lady-boss really understands me again this time! And we went to the woods together. Rowan and Lana had to stay home for a while. It was quality-time for me. Just for me! Because I needed it so badly.

Playing again.

And I have to admit, it was so nice to be running again, playing together, and being myself. I laughed, I had fun and noticed that Lady-boss was completely happy because I was so happy again.

Too soon for others.

And suddenly I stood there face to face with a handsome man. Yes, I did see that he was a handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback, but then I told Lady-boss that it was too early for me to think of another friend. So I also just walked past him. Although I saw that he would have liked to play with me ... I could not. Sorry, but I also have my feelings!

Lady-boss consoled me that it was not bad that I did not want to play with another dog, and that was nice. It brought back my good mood back so I plunged into the bushes and actually found what I was looking for. A stick! A nice stick to play with. No, don't worry, Lady-boss and I together can play very well with a stick, without the stick ever being dangerous to me. I can only fetch him when he is lying on the ground again ... and that is what she is paying very strict attention to.

Happy Home.

After having played and walked together so well. And just having a chat together on a bench on the road we walked back home calmly where Rowan and Lana were waiting for me and Lady-boss.

In the end it was a very nice trip together. We have been away longer than we expected and thought in advance. but we enjoyed it together. And it certainly helped me a bit further in processing my grief for the passing of my buddy.

Paws and cuddles, Myla Mouse

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