Rowan his 10th birthday!

Today I take you back in time. Not that long ago. Exactly 1 week ago, to Friday, July 13, 2018. A scary day? No, it was not a scary day at all. Why would it be a scary day? Owww because it was Friday the 13th? No woof, we don't believe in that ... and that wasn't at all. Because on Friday, July 13, 2018, I Rowan, celebrated my 10th birthday! Yes 10 years already! And as boss and Lady Boss often say, "I'm already a big Rowan!"

Because it isn't so long ago that Lex dropped out of our midst, and Myla needed all her extra attention to handle her grief a bit. Boss and Lady-boss were also sad, Lana and I too, we were all happy with a nice diversion. And my 10th birthday especially brought us joy.

We had arranged with my best friend Bikkel and his roommate Bentley. And Bentley is a nice girl though. She is also a shepherd, a Malinois girl. And Bentley is smart. Bentley is extremely smart, Bikkel is especially my best mate, small but nice. And I also knew for sure that it would be a super nice walk. That is always when we go out with them. I waited expectantly here, although I thought it very strange that my lady-boss had closed the gate. How could Bentley and Bikkel then come to my party?

But it turned out very quickly that Bentley was once again much smarter than Lady-boss and had expected Bentley's man. And hoppa, hoppekee, Bentley, my beautiful friend, suddenly, BAM, jumped over the fence. Ha ... we saw people watching. They did not expect that.

But it did set the tone for the rest of our walk. We were looking forward to it ... and even though I became 10 years old. You would not say that I'm 10 years already. I'm definitely not an old gray dog that needs to be taken care of. No, no, I still feel in the prime of my life and Bentley certainly did see that. Bikkel also said to me "Maat, you look good". Which of course I had to pull a crazy mouth. Yes you see so already ... that little mate of me does not let me walk all over him. He is small but a quiet a dragon ...

After I had nicely played around with Bikkel, there suddenly was Bentley! She came to claim her attention. She felt like playing hide-and-seek ... so we barked to our people that we were going to do hide-and-seek. And they understood us well. Quietly we walked to a beautiful location to do the hide-and-seek game. And when we arrived at a large field, with beautifully tall grass, we agreed that Bentley and Bikkel would go looking for me. Because I was the birthday dog, I was allowed to hide myself. And tell me honestly ... You hardly see me like that? I am so good at hide-and-seek!

Benley and Bikkel just do not have to look with the eyes, we really could have played better with our lady-bosses. Bentley and Bikkel uses their noses to find me, and that was real quick! If we had let our lady-bosses search us, all three of us had been hide for a lot longer. That might have been nicer, but ... that is another good lesson for next time we're going to do "hide-and-seek"! Then we let our lady-bosses search for us. Hah, I have fun now thinking of that. My lady-boss can not do that search thing with her camera. Then she really has to do it herself. And the lady-boss from Bikkel and Bentley always lug around with such a camera, so for her the same applies ... But that's for next time maybe! We walked on again ... and oooooh I did not believe my eyes. I looked back once more when I was running fast ahead.

Because there, at the end of the long path, and I said it to Bentley and Bikkel, I saw HORSES! And everyone who knows me knows that really is the best combination ever. Rowan and Horses, that is a Match made in Heaven. I love horses. I am wild of horses. I bark to horses, I hunt horses, I run after horses ... so this was a hellishly very nice birthday gift. Only …

It wasn't meant to be a birthday present!

Lady-boss and the human from Bentley and Bikkel were all wild when we ran away, and they saw the horses. We have really laughed. What have we had fun! They scare the hell out of theirselves and call us, and we just have fun and pretend we didn't have ears. Or at least that we won't use our ears!

In the end we listened anyway. Are we neatly reversed and we have walked back to our people. Yes, we did that much more quietly than running away.

But all in all ... what a fantastic 10th birthday from Lady-boss. I will remember this for a long time. And I've barked to Lady-boss all week that she also had to share my birthday walk with julie. And that's what she finally did. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Paw and hug from Rowan

And until next time!

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